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Preparation of sauerkraut


Sauerkraut: It is the product of characteristic flavour, obtained by lactic fermentation of cabbage in the presence of 2-3% of salt.

            Sauerkraut or Sauerkohl is a German term which means ‘Sour Cabbage’ Sauerkraut is extensively used in the North America (Canada and U.S.A.), Germany, Holland, France, U.K. and other European countries. Cabbage (‘Brassica oleracea) normally grown in cold climate is found to be suitable forthe fermentation purpose.
            It is the clean, sound product of characteristic flavour, obtained by full fermentation, chiefly lactic of properly prepared and shredded cabbage in the presence of not less than 2% nor more than 3% of salt. It contains, upon completion of the fermentation not less than 1.5 per cent of acid expressed as lactic acid.

Fresh cabbage, salt, plastic film, weighing balance, weight, knife, wooden vat or cement tank

  1. Taken fresh cabbage
  2. Cleaned, trimmed and shredded into 2-5mm size.
  3. Filled into wooden vats or cement tanks.
  4. Salt is added at the rate 2.25% and mixed thoroughly.
  5. The top portion of the vat or tank is covered with plastic
  6. Now enough weight is applied in order to make it compact and allow anaerobic conditions prevail for fermentation. When weight is applied, the salt dissolves in the sap which is expressed by the pressure and by osmosis it comes out from the cells. 
  7. After complete fermentation which is done for about 30 days or more until 1% lactic acid is formed.
  8. The Sauerkraut is removed from the vat and packed in cans, glass or plastic containers. In cans the fermented product is pasteurized at 74oC for 3 minutes.
  9. After that Sodium benzoate or potassium meta-bisulphite is added when product is packed unpasteurized. It is stored at + 5oC.


Sometimes fermented products are very badly spoiled by contaminating bacteria causing off flavours and colour and undesirable texture. To avoid these condition some parameters should be in control condition like:
  • Temperature. Lower temperature around 7-10oC favours slow growth of bacteria and thus allows good fermentation
  • Salt concentration
  • Sanitary conditions are important to control the desired fermentation. In traditional system, fermentation is allowed for 6 months.

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