
Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Whole egg powder is consumed in hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and military establishment etc. It is also used in bakeries and cake mix manufacture. Dried albumen is used in cake mix manufacture and in candy making.


Egg, Egg breaker, Candler, Drier, Centrifuge etc.


  • Breaking of eggs and removing eggshells. Before breaking of egg, the inspection on egg is required like candling.
  • After breaking and separation of the eggshell left whole egg is discharged into the filtration system of the process.
  • The shells are deposited into a centrifuge where the residual liquid egg and shell are separated.
  • After removal of shells, the mixture is filtered and stored in storage tanks at about 4º C and then it is taken to tubular heater wherein it is dried at about 65º C for 8 to 10 minutes and it is filtered and passed to high pressure spray drier with the help of high pressure pump.
  • From the storage tanks the egg is fed to tubular heater for pasteurization at 65O C for 6 minutes to destroy salmonella & other microorganisms.
  • The warm egg now de-sugared by adding 0.5% yeast to prevent Maillard reaction. This fermented egg slurry is now re-pasteurized at 62.5O C for 3-5 minutes.
  • Now egg feed from high pressure pump to spray dryer. The powder is then cooled and filled into a container.

Flow Diagram for EGG POWDERS

                                                                    Fresh Egg collection 

  • Candling & Inspection at 150C
  •  Cleaning with disinfectant/sanitizing (2% sodium hypochlorite) solution
  • Water temp at 430C for 3 min
  •  Breaking & collection
  • Churning & filtration
  •  Homogenization for 5 min
  •  Pasteurization (62.5 for 6 min) (To destroy salmonella & other M.o)
  • De-sugaring is done by adding 0.5% yeast to prevent Maillard reaction.
  •  Fermenting at 300C
  • Re-pasteurization (62.5 for 3-5 min)
  • Cooling &churning
  • Drying (3 ways) (freezing, spray drying, foam spreading)