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Check Your Progress Exercise

Check Your Progress Exercise 1
 Q 1. Define food safety.
Food safety - all conditions and measures that are necessary during the production, processing, storage, distribution and preparation of food to ensure that it is safe, wholesome and sound and fit for human consumption.
 Q 2. Which are the common food animals and birds in India?
Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, rabbit, pig, chicken, duck, turkey, quail, goose, guinea fowl, pigeon, etc.

Q 3. Differentiate meat and offal with two examples each.
Meat – Skeletal muscle of the food animals slaughtered for human consumption, e.g., beef, mutton. Offal - organ meat/variety meat like heart, liver, etc.
 Q 4. Which are the different types of slaughter?
 Ritual slaughter – Jewish (kosher), Muslim (halal), sikh (jatka) and humane slaughter.
 Q 5. Which are the critical points of possible contamination in the dressing of food animals? Transportation of animals, lairage, flaying, dehairing/ defeathering, scalding, scraping, evisceration and deboning.
1. Canned meats: Canning is a thermal process employing steam to sterilize the food material in a sealed container. Pasteurized canned products have to be kept refrigerated while sterilized product can be kept at room temperature.Processing procedure involves commercial sterilization in retorts at 121 C. Product may be fully cooked, cured or noncured.Cured products are usually pasteurized at 65 – 75 C. Metal cans are coated with sulphur resistant resins and nylon cans are used for packing. Examples of canned meats are canned ham, corned beef, beef stew, beef in chili sauce, etc.
 2. Composition of Muscle Tissue: Muscle tissue contains approximately 75% water and 25% solids, of which 19% are proteins. Lipids constitute about 2.5% to 5% of muscle. It contains Cu, Zn, Na, Hg, K, Mg and low amount of Ca. Most of the calcium in the body of an animal is found in the bones, so the edible portion of meat is low in this mineral. Liver is an especially rich source of iron and a concentrated source of Vitamin A. Meats are excellent source of niacin and riboflavin and are good source of thiamine
3. Sausages: Sausage is a comminuted/ minced meat product with seasonings and stuffed in natural (submucosal layer of intestine) or synthetic casings(cellulose or regenerated/co-extruded collagen, fibrous and plastic). They may be marketed fresh, cooked, cooked and smoked, semidry/ summer, dry/ fermented or emulsified.Sausage making consists of several steps- comminution to reduce meat and fat particle size (grinding, mincing, chopping or flaking),mixing with ingredients, emulsifying, stuffing into casings, linking and tying to obtain specific length and finally packaging.
 4. Slaughter Houses or Abattoir: Slaughter houses or abattoir means any premises that is approved and registered by the controlling authority in which animals are slaughtered and dressed for human consumption. The important sections of the modern abattoir are (a) Lairage for resting the animals prior to slaughter; (b) slaughter hall; (c) By-product room; (d) Meat cutting room (optional); and (e) Rendering room (optional) or simple system of treating offals or condemned carcass.
 5. Curing: Preservation of meat by heavy salting is an age old practice. Sodium chloride and sodium nitrite are commonly used. Now a days curing of meat products is mainly for specific flavour and colour development and preservative effects of curing ingredients is an added advantage.
 6. Smoking: Smoking helps in preservation of meat. It contains a large number of wood degradation products such as aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, phenols, etc. which exert bacteriostatic effect besides imparting characteristic smoky flavour.
 7. Canning: It is a process of preservation achieved by thermal sterilization of a product held in hermetically sealed containers. The products have a shelf life of at least 2 years at ambient temperature. The steps involved are (i) Preparation of meat and gravy, (ii) Precooking of meat, (iii) Filling in cans, (iv) Exhausting, (v) Seaming, (vi) Retort or thermal processing, (vii) Cooling and (viii) Storage. s.)

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